Wednesday 24 August 2011

Saturn devouring his son

Saturn Devouring His Son!!!

This artwork is one of my assignment, 'Saturn devouring his son", how would a father devour his own son? sounds interesting actually. I had done some researches about this artworks. the story is about a Titan named 'Saturn', the father of the Greek Gods, who was foretold he would be overthrown by one of his children, to prevent the prophecy, he decided to devour all of them the moment they were born. The reason why the artist, Francisco Goya choose this mythology as his artwork, i think is because this story has given him some crazy inspiration to express his craziness and thoughts through the artwork. My lecturer, Dr.Ray stated that this artwork actually reflected the insanity and mental state  of the artist, Francisco Goya. 

According to the research, I think that Goya might try to convey a massage about conflict between the old age and youth in that particular period. He is actually insulting a situation in Spain whereas the fatherland was encouraging their own child to be involved in the wars and revolutions at that time. (Licht, Fred (1983). Goya: The Origins of the Modern Temper in Art ) 

Francisco Jose De Goya, Saturn Devouring His Son, (1819-1823)


according to my research, kitsch is something that imitate or a pirated copy of an existing artwork or existing style in a very 'tasteless' way. For example, editing Mona Lisa portrait by changing her facial expression and applying different of colors in order to make the artwork looks amusing and hilarious; replacing those politicians or celebrities with some animals in the artwork to insult their characteristics or personality. 

In my own opinion, i  actually think that Kitsch somehow can be very interesting and creative because when we are 'skitching' those famous artworks or styles, we are actually presenting the artwork in a more informal and casual way for peoples to accept it. But, while we are doing those Kitschy works, we definitely have to show some respects to the original artworks or the characters. To make those artworks more easier for people to accept doesn't mean that we can humiliate or make fun of those works. We still need to stick with the true meanings of the artwork.

Here are some of the examples of KITSCH

             Micheal Jackson Kitsch art. 

Odd Nerdrum, Self-Portrait In Golden Robe