Wednesday 13 July 2011


1. Why am I doing this course?
2. What do I want from this course?
3. What do I want to be doing in 5, 10, 20 years?
4. What do I want to get from this class?
5. Is History of Art & Design necessary for your large goals. 

these are the questions that given by my lecturer. the first question's asking me why 
am i doing this course? Simply because i wanna be a designer, i love to design. I 
believe everything we seen in this earth had been designed. Nothing can be form 
without shapes. As a designer, we're giving 'life' to every object by designing and 
shaping them into something new, usable and special, this is also a way to express our thoughts.

2.i wanna know what are the proper ways to convey our thoughts through our designs.
Most importantly, is the skills of design, not necessary in technically but in abstract way  
to present our messages. 

3.i wanna be a designer.  

4.hmm..basically, history is quite a important part for every single thing in this world, 
even a pencil have it's own history; who invented the pencil? what materials are used to produce a pencil? what is the purpose of inventing a pencil? besides,we can't get things 
done without knowing it's history first. right?? so, i believe by learning this subject, the history could  helps me understand better about the cultures, techniques, processes, meanings, pasts of ART. I want a better understanding of art. 

i wanna know what are these artists trying to express and present their massages through their artworks. It's amazing when you found something interesting in their artworks due to the differences of the cultures, those massages create culture shocks sometimes, no doubt!! By applying their thoughts to our artworks, i believe we definitely can produce something good in future. i mentioned, definitely yes !!  


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