Wednesday 13 July 2011

The Judgement of OSIRIS

This painting is one of my assignment, The Judgement of Osiris, the story of this work is taken from one of the chapters of Book of the dead. The ancient egyptian believe they will leads to meet Osiris after they died, so they come out with this book which consists numbers of spells, stories about the journey to the afterlife in order to guide the deceased. 

There are vignettes depicting the deceased and their journey to the afterlife. The top part show there are 14 of  the major gods sitting in the judgement to assist Osiris; Bottom left; the weighing of the heart, deceased leads by Anubis to the scales in hall of Maat, the goddess of justice, who perform weighing the balance of the heart of deceased; Ammut, devourer of the dead, is ready to destroy the deceased if they are full of sins and the heart consequently too heavy ; Bottom right, The hall of Judgement, Horus, son of Osiris, leads the way, deceased follow him to meet Osiris, whose assume power to the deceased to become one of their follower. 

i found something interesting in the painting, In ancient egyptian period, i believe those artists doesn't have so much option of the elements or tools to complete their artworks, besides, i don't think the artists in those days are able to create some facial expression for their objects. So colors is quite a essential tool to express their work, example, apply red color to convey anger of the object, white to show the purity and power, man skin was painted as darker yellow whereas woman was painted as lighter. In the judgement of Osiris, we can see black color was applied on the skin of Anubis, it's simply because black is represented death in those days, they wanna shows Anubis is one of the Guardians of afterlife.

Symbols is also one of the important elements they used in their artworks, they often used symbols to represent certain things in order to make the meanings clearer. example, the gods are holding an 'ankh', actually the 'ankh' is the key of life, represented the holy status, new life and truth, 'no one could hold the key of life but gods', i think this is the massage the artist trying to convey by painted those symbols. 

i realized actually there are many things we can learn from these ancient artworks, example like the ways they created their artworks,i think somehow it's connected or related with our works in modern days.  

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